Saturday, February 22, 2014

W.E.B - My Double Conscious Experience

W.E.B Double Conscious is an experience if not everyone has gone through they have at least been victim to doing it or even are still doing it today. It definitely is a struggle and a sad one at that. To not be able to fully be happy, comfortable and own yourself be in your own skin seems very sad even maybe depressing depending on the person. To battle yourself and your true identity as far as are you pleasing society and their expectations they want you to live up to and try to be yourself is like being two people trapped in one. I feel I've seen this more than have personally been in this position. I feel I experienced this when I was a little younger than I am now. I felt like this because in school everyone was cliqued up and I didn't know where I belonged but I knew I wanted to belong. I didn't want to feel or be left out; so I would try to mingle in a way that I would try to be the one everyone wanted to hangout with, be around and etc. This caused me to go through so many stages when I was younger because I wanted to be the it girl. I would change my hair color, clothes, it was a lot looking back at it. I felt obligated to try to please everyone as far as what people liked and was interested in. When I would be around certain people and I would say something people would just assume oh your this ethnic or that right off the jump because of how I would say something. Another thing I dealt with within myself was should I talk like this around this group of people and should I do this around a certain group of people. I pretty much tried to live by being the fit in girl. This caused me to know a lot of people, befriend quite a bit of people but it also caused me for that time being to lose myself and who I really was. Sometimes when I would be alone I'd think to myself what do I need to do now; but some days I would feel like I was not really myself. I at that time had to pull back and re-evaluate myself. Figure who I was, Be comfortable with being Me. So as I grew up I started being comfortable with myself; do what made me happy, what I liked to do, how I liked to do it. I found this didn't drive people away it actually attracted people and the ones that did disappear from my life I took it as they weren't meant to be there in the first place. I actually started being an example as well and had a great reputation for myself. I really feel W.E.B double conscious concept will continue to live on through people. As long as people, society keeps these expectations depended on your ethnic, the way you look and etc to it in motion people will always feel they have to live up to it. People will always be judged and feel they have to change who they are to fit a good judgement; and as long as we feel we're suppose to live up to what other people will say people will continue to experience this. That is why it's important to be you! Love yourself, grow, and do what's right to you and makes you you because in the end of the day you only will be you no one else! So an example needs to be made to accept yourself and whoever accepts you is meant to be there and whoever doesn't isn't meant to! I know I learned lessons, anyone who goes through this and is able to be one conscious which is theirself I feel will learn lessons and grow. I know what makes me and that creates my individuality. You never know by accepting someone you can save them from losing theirself in their self cause they tried to live up to the expectations of others.

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