Friday, February 21, 2014

Artwork-Image Analysis

 The picture I chose depicts artwork done on calendars. This piece came from The name of my selection is called Color My Soul by Poncho. Color My Soul has four artists combined into one.
 Since the beginning of time African Americans have commmunicated struggle, love, and passion through music. Telling a story is the strong point even in music. Jazz, an early work of expression, is the highlight of African American creations. Along with other inventions that opened gateways for races.
  The artist in the calendar picture display the emotion relaxed. In each face you can see relaxed yet strong. Especially on the singer. In bands the one singing the song carries the weight of telling the story. He/she does this by facial expressions, body movements, and connection. Any performing artist moves their listerners when they see the artist feeling it. Or they hear the connection in their voice.
 Not all calendars create an inspirational vibe some are used for advertisment. An example would be Chik-Fil-A calendars. Their infamous cow supporting chicken goes through adventures every month but also including coupons. However calendars with inspirational messages or artwork create controversy. Any calendar depicting an creator's opioion on an American style creates debate.
 Even though calendars tell the date some people buy them simply for the artworks inside. My family has a calendar from this company because black art just like any art tells a story. From a sculpture to simple calendar picture black art provokes different emotions. Whether or not people see calendar pictures as an apporiate pick they serve the same way as photographs do.
 Color My Soul uses colors to create a mood. The use of dark and light colors set the tone for piece to be nighttime. The band supports the singers connection by showing a relationship with their instrument. Everyone in the picture is closing their eyes. There is an instant spark because you wonder what made Poncho create this piece. Images tell a story and it's up to the observer to determine their own story. What was the song that brought the band members together to have such a deep connection with their instruments and surroundings? The mind is left to wonder just as much as pieces in the museum or park.
 I think the message that can be gathered from this piece is black art  and music create a sense of realism and mystery. The creators strokes and the way he designed the selection shows his story as well. The way his characters enjoy what they do gives the audience something to pride on. We see this flow of the creator by just looking. It makes black art have empowerment and wonder.|-2014-african-american-calendar.htm

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