Thursday, February 20, 2014

Image Analysis

         It is argued that several decades ago, the education system was more revered than it is currently. In an average home setting, many parents and their children blame a lot of the results from tests and other important tests on the teachers. In some cases, teachers might not be explaining some of the material or providing enough assistance when asked upon. However, most of the cases of inept results can be placed on the student for not putting enough effort into the class they are failing or dropping significantly in.
        In this political cartoon, the parents from the left generation are blaming the child for his poor grade while the parents and child from the right generation are blaming the teacher for the bad grade. Despite having every few words to work with, I see that this political cartoon is holding more in its hand than the words in this cartoon.
        For parents, many are unable to place fault on their children because they either can't bring themselves to talk down against their pride within them or see nothing wrong in their child and instantly aim at other factors for their children's failures in school. Bad parenting cause also be the cause for friction between them and teachers. Some parents don't even care for their children's education and when told of their failings, they go for the teachers due to them being an easy target and a scapegoat for everything "wrong" in this education system. However, some parents seem genuinely interested in their children's school affairs and are always available for help. Not all of the actual blame can be placed on the parents.
        Within school, students and teachers need each other in order to work together and help one another with various problems. However, some students don't have the motivation to continue school and don't put any effort towards their education. Some don't participate in their student role and expect to just breeze through class with no effort placed when in reality, they are hurting themselves by not giving themselves the choice of a better lifestyle. Other times, students don't have the ability to control whether they can afford an education or participate due to economic issues. That's when teacher interaction is key.
        For teachers, their profession lies in getting students prepared for the future when they reach adulthood. In order for them to achieve this goal, teachers need to explain many things to students so they understand what they're learning. Inadequate explanation could lead to confusion and drop in grades as students don't have the required knowledge to implement what they learned towards tests or other assignments. All three forces need each other so success is easily gained by students and no friction is placed between parents and teachers.
        Talking from experience about student/teacher interactions, I believe that most of the students that are not preforming well in a class just aren't trying hard enough. In my own case, I have barely scraped by some classes because I didn't have the motivation due to a different teacher speed of learning that I was uncomfortable with. I should have taken the better route and should have gotten help even when I didn't need it.
        With the education system, many parents and students are willing to blame the easiest target that are teachers. However, the blame should be split between all three forces as all three are needed to capture success. Instead of trying to place the blame, we should be trying to helping each other so this problem doesn't occur again.
                                                                                                                          -Nikki "Nikolas" Pham

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