Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What is “Weird” can also be AWESOME!


               Food is meant to be experimented with in my eyes, so if it tastes amazing solo, it just might taste just as incredible together. For instance, I absolutely love chips AND sandwiches. Now, I don’t know if I was just a lazy kid but taking a bite out of your sandwich and then stuffing your mouth with chips seemed like a lot of work. So, I decided to just put chip (any kind) on my sandwiches. I still do this today. I go to subway, get a foot-long with herbs and cheese bread, ham and pepper jack cheese, bacon of course, toasted, with lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, mayo, and sweet onion sauce. Then to top the Awesomeness I have to get a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. It is seriously heaven in your mouth.


             For my next combination I just recently discovered a new favorite. Like most people (I hope) I am addicted to Jamaican Beef Patties. However they come in so many different “stuffing’s”. For chicken patties I love to add cheese and alfredo sauce. Gross right??  No. When it comes to beef patties, first they HAVE to be spicy regular patties just seem way too bland for me no matter what you add, then I open them up and add regular American cheese and sour cream. I just tried this over the weekend and it is really good. Sometimes you can get overwhelmed by the spiciness of the beef, but the sour cream calms it down just enough so that you taste all the flavors. It might look weird and freaky while your spreading the sour cream but it is completely worth it.

                   As you can see in the picture,next on our awesome list is pickles, ham and cream cheese. Absolutely delicious, little ham-wrapped, cream-cheese-blanketed, pickle morsels look gross but surprisingly good. I've been eating these pickle roll-ups for most of my life, and I'm not sure if they're just a “Weird person”  thing or if everyone already knows about them, but I just can't keep the recipe to myself. Not that there's really a recipe involved -- it's just a pickle, wrapped in cream cheese, wrapped in ham. That's it. I honestly don’t know what it is but no matter is they are regular pickles or the sweet ones (my favorite)  it still works. So since I prefer sweet pickles, I’ll go buy a small jar of sweet pickles, hit the deli and get honey black forest ham thinly sliced, and regular cream cheese. Go home and take the pieces of ham and spread them with a generous amount of cheese, stick the pickle at the corner and roll like an egg roll. Pop them in the refrigerator only if you don’t plan on devouring them right then. The only bad thing about them, I guess, is that they're dangerously, deliciously addictive.
Food is really what you make it. Have food try new things and be open to new flavor matchings.


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