Friday, April 25, 2014

Cucumber Peanut Butter Sandwich

To all you peanut butter lovers, I have a new way to enjoy the simplicity of a peanut butter sandwich. All you do is add freshly cut cucumber slices! The garden-fresh cucumber adds a bit of a crunch and a fresh twist to the sandwich. Personally, I think to enjoy it, you can’t just sort of like peanut butter since it’s the main component that you taste. To me peanut butter is the go to ingredient to make snacks different. I’ll add peanut butter to almost any snack like fruit, smoothies, Oreos, or sometimes a simple spoon full of Jiff’s Natural Peanut butter will do the trick. When eating a peanut butter sandwich, I typically add some sort of fruit or fruit jelly, but for my last sandwich, I decided to switch things up a bit. According the VegWeb, a vegan friendly website, adding cucumber to your sandwich simply gives the sandwich a little kick. I think it lightens it up because peanut butter is to thick and the cucumber’s lack of strong taste evens it out.  Cucumbers have a lot more to offer than they are given credit. They are a great substitute for chips or crackers. They are cold and firm so they can be dipped in humus or ranch dibs. Even just eating them by themselves is good, so naturally when the idea to put them on my peanut butter sandwich came up, I was all for it. 

            I think it easily became on of my favorite combinations of food!  I can just cut up a cucumber, stick it in my peanut butter sandwich and I have a healthy delicious snack with me wherever I go. It’s a perfect snack to eat after school, on the go, or after rock climbing. Typically jelly is turned to when making a sandwich with peanut butter in to but cucumbers is a much healthier alternative. Cucumbers are good sources of vitamin B, so it’s perfect for a pick me up, and they are mainly made up of water. Plus peanut butter is an easy source protein making this a perfect for after a work out.
            Just recently I have been introduced to this creation. I didn’t surprise me this existed since celery and peanut butter are a common combination; cucumbers were boned to be next.  After trying the sandwich, I continued to dip the slices in to the left over peanut butter and I liked that more than putting it in to a sandwich. The ratio is better so the peanut butter is toned down a little more. Most people I tell about my new discovery automatically discard the idea of it being good but the refreshing qualities of a cucumber make it a perfect side kick to the stickier, think peanut butter. Even my mom, who doesn’t like odd combinations, gave it a try and enjoyed the new snack.  This is a food combination not to out of the ordinary yet still unknown to the public, yet such a healthy way to enjoy a healthy sandwich.

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