Sunday, April 27, 2014

Coming in super late: Peanut Butter and Apple Butter Banana Sandwhich

Why is this combination so good? Simply because peanut butter and apple butter plus bananas make a tasty quick treat. Whether you are home alone bored with nothing to do or need a re-boost this sandwich will change your life. Each component in this amazing sandwich contains nutrients your body needs. But they also give your taste buds a celebration to remember.

I started this creation in college when my mom sent me peanut butter and I just happen to buy bananas and apple butter the day before. Out of complete curiosity I combined peanut butter and apple butter. The taste was so good I added bananas and thus heaven was born. This sandwich typically made with apples inside was replaced with bananas because of my food allergy. But I guarantee if you put all three of these ingredients together your mind will be blown.

I won't go into much detail but here are the healthy reasons to enjoy this sandwich: peanut butter is considered a healthy fat. When eaten in moderation the body will treat it as such. Peanut butter also contains manganese and vitamin B3 (niacin). The bananas are filled with potassium. I'm not a total health nut because surprisingly apple butter is the least healthy choice. Yes it's made from apples but it contains sugar. YUMM! Apple butter is actual good, it's healthier than jelly and has a small amount of fiber.

Now to hit you with imagination! Imagine taking a bite out of this and being hit with the sweet smoothness of the apple butter mixed with the either crunchy or smooth creamy peanut butter and enjoying the banana for its own awesomeness. Don’t like bananas? Try just apple butter and peanut butter together. Don’t like peanut butter? (well that sucks) but you can always use your favorite jelly or just do bananas and apple butter. I do recommend trying apple butter first it’s delicious on toast, fruit, and cheese.

This sandwich is better than other weird food combinations because it’s fun to enjoy, quick to make, and beneficial to the body. The key component is peanut butter because it can go into so many different dishes. However, I enjoy it for its more plain uses like sandwich spreads.

Why should you try it? If none of the reasons above convinced you then think of it as this: It serves as tasty seasonal treats great for any occasion. It’s a good meal for those not so creative in the kitchen and if your dog just so happens to get ahold of it he will enjoy it as well. This sandwich appeals to all ages. No matter if you’re a toddler, child, teenager, young adult or adult this can fill tummies with its happiness.

I recommend this weird food combination to anyone and everyone. It’s one of the best moments you could create for yourself besides just eating a banana. There’s not much I else I can say for this sandwich expect to go and try it for yourself!!!!

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